I sat down to chat with Brendan, who has been living with his QAnon mom while he waits for his financial situation to get better. Brendan is on the spectrum, and his mother blames herself for his autism because she had him vaccinated as a child. I wish I could say that's as bad as Brendan's story gets, but it takes an even more heartbreaking turn.
Brendan was eager to tell his story and get it out there, so share this with anyone you think will appreciate it. Then go tell the people you love that they're wonderful just the way they are. Many thanks to Brendan for an enjoyable, albeit heartbreaking, chat.
Catch a video clip of Brendan and me chatting to put a face to a name. Head on over to Patreon for that.
Listen to Brendan on your favourite podcast platform, the links are here. Or listen on YouTube:
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Further reading:
Andrew Wakefield
Waiting for JFK Jr
Med Beds
MMR Vaccines do not cause autism