Over the weekend, I had the supreme joy of launching my new podcast: The Godless Moms Podcast. My co-host, Janice Selbie, and I went live on Facebook and Youtube for the first time to discuss questions you have sent us. We discussed secular parenting issues and advice on how to live your best secular life after you leave religion. As you may already know, Janic is a certified counsellor, so you'll get two perspectives in the advice we give: that of a secular counsellor with a specialty in religious trauma and that of myself, someone raised without religion.
The first question we addressed was from an atheist father who wanted to know what to do about his young son, who confided in him that he no longer believed in God. Worried he might upset his religious ex-wife and son's mother, and she might think he had been brainwashing the child, he asked for advice. Tune in to the show to find out how we answered!
You can watch on Youtube (be sure to subscribe and hit the bell to be notified when we go live next):
Coming soon, you will be able to tune in on any of your favourite podcast providers. I will post an announcement with links when we get that up and running.
If you're looking for advice on any topic to do with life without religion, you can visit this page to submit your question. We will address it in an upcoming episode. Your question can be about atheist parenting, building your new community after religion, mental health issues and anything else that might be on your mind.
If you enjoy the podcast, you can find out more about supporting it on this page.
Our next episode is this Saturday! Be sure to subscribe to YouTube or like on Facebook to be notified when we go live. We are looking forward to seeing you in the live chat!