So many theists ask me, with contempt and incredulity, “Do you actually think you’re going to change people’s minds?” The fact is, I’ve helped change the minds of 3 people in the little less than a year I’ve been writing Godless Mom. That I know of. While I could never take credit for their deconversion, that’s all them and their rational minds, I do know that I helped lead them to the freedom of atheism.

Here’s a letter from one of these people. Jaime Velasco (check out her blog here) came to me first as a born again Christian and recently confided in me that she has left her faith behind. She said,
Godless Mom,
Many months ago when I first met you on Twitter I never thought I was just about to change deeply my beliefs and conception of this world I live in.
The fact I read many of your thoughts through your Twitter Timeline made me think and really value the power of leaving misconceptions and inducted child dogmas I had been taught.
When I became a so-called “born again Christian” (I wrote this last word with little “c” on purpose) many years ago, I thought I was being released from burdens and pains I was carrying inside of me. How confused and wrong I was! I was entering all the opposite.
I am a happy atheist now, free from those chains and burdens religion bring along with it. I fully enjoy now everyday as I know there´s no “everlasting life”, nor “heaven” or “other life”. I´m fully aware it´s NOW and it´s HERE. If I´m to be happy and joyful it has to be here.
Life starts and ends here. Period. And I´m happy with that. VERY happy. Energized at the simplicity of the mere idea!
Thank YOU, Mom, for having posted in your Twitter Profile these words that rocked my world the moment I read them for the first time- “Happily raising my kid as an atheist”.
For that I will be grateful as long as I breath. For that I thank YOU. For that I love you. For that, just for that…
Kisses and Hugs,
Jaime Velasco
This is one of the reasons I do the Godless Mom thing. There aren’t many feelings that are better than helping set people free.
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