It’s Friday and you know what that means: the beer is chilling, the steaks are marinating and we’re only a few hours away from our weekly atheist sacrifice. Are you ready to please the atheist overlords? I am. So, in anticipation of that, I thought I’d do some shoutouts for my favourite ladies in the online atheist community.
First, you need to follow Nichole, or “Skeptic Nikki”. She is a prolific tweeter in the Twitterverse, a master of memeing and she’s really very kind to those who engage with her whether they are fellow atheists or not. She is the sort of person I wish the majority of the atheist community behaved like – kind, gentle, calm and intelligent. There is no doubt in my mind that this woman will help lead a few people away from dogma in her lifetime if she hasn’t already.
Check out Nichole on Twitter: SkepticNikki
Next, you absolutely have to check out Shay, otherwise known as Cherokee Autumn. She is an institution on atheist Twitter, and she seems to be fearless when it comes to which topics she will tackle. She’s outspoken, intelligent, reasonable and compassionate and i have little doubt she’s made a profound impact in the lives of many who have struggled with doubt in god.
Go follow her here: Shay 🇺🇸 Resistance
Finally, an author of books for children from a secular perspective, Courtney Lynn. In her books, she tackles evolution, space and religious belief all in beautiful, easy-to-consume language for kids. If you’re struggling with explaining any aspect of religious belief or the science of how we came to be, her books are an invaluable resource.
Check out and follow Courtney on Twitter: AtheistKidBooks
Do you have any suggestions for future Follow Fridays? Let me know in the comments and have an awesome weekend, heathens!
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